Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Bungalow Courts

If we really cared about the children, we'd build more of these: Bungalow Courts. Cars eat children. The most dangerous stranger is the one in a car. To hurt your child, a stranger outside of a car has to be actively hostile toward your child--a one tenth of one percent case. But a stranger in a car can kill your child, just by accident, through a moments distraction....

Sadly, we mostly design places like this. So everyone can drive their child-eating beast right up to the front door. Maximal exposure and endangerment. 
 "But we didn't build those for children!". But people with children move in anyway. In planning law, there is an idea of an 'attractive nuisance': If you make someplace attractive to children, and then don't take reasonable precautions to keep them out, you are liable for their endangerment.

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