Saturday, May 25, 2019

Competing Urbanisms

Attached housing is a different way of living than detached housing. Shared systems means reliance on communal assets, and hence some governance method for managing those communal assets. If you are poor, and your neighbors are trashy, there is an insoluble communal action dilemma, a veritable prisoners dilemma. It only makes sense for you expend effort cleaning up the central lawn if everyone else does it. In cases like bungalow courts, the number of people involved is small enough that the small-group dynamics habits evolution has hardwired into humans can work it out. As the number of people increases, individual agency is diluted, no one is responsible, and you get The Projects.

*Arguably, attached townhomes would work...but most 'townhomes' are actually condos, from a legal/governance setting, with a condo board, so they have a method of managing communal assets.

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