Friday, March 21, 2014

Nice Density

What you see in Regent Street now is a 1910 rebuild of the Nash from 1810. Along the edges of  Regent’s Park, you have these big, long terraces designed like palaces, so the wealthy people in the row houses could feel like they were living in a wing of  Versailles. Then, behind that, there are tiny curving streets with modest houses for those days, which were intended for middle-class people.

This is a lesson how do to do density nicely.  

Good urbanism requires density

Pushing density an article of planning dogma. 

...with vehement NIMBY opposition.

Many dense places are slums.


-'The Projects'

Not because of density, because of age.

'Todays mass market housing is tomorrows affordable housing'

--Inner ring suburbs: SSL, South Ogden.


Myth: Higher density requires multi-story.

Reality: Requirement created by parking requirements.

'9 acres of of land: 8 acres of parking'

Yet there is lot of existing higher density. How?

  • On-street parking

  • Small blocks

  • Multi-family on the corners